Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Bleach Incident

Shortly after starting the blog today, I headed downstairs to change yet another load of laundry. Heading to the basement I smelled the distinct smell of bleach. Knowing that I had not used any that morning, I immediately knew we were in trouble.

Lo and behold, someone had set a bottle of bleach on top of the washer.....and the shaking during the spin cycle tipped it over, causing the lid to pop off and bleach to splatter.... all over the dirty clothes on the floor .... leaking on top of the washer.... and then into the washer ruining the load of dark clothes inside the washer, which of course, were the "only pair" of dress pants for one child, a dance outfit for another, yada yada...

but it smells REAL clean in the basement....

Just another day at our house....

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