Wednesday, March 02, 2005


The bloginning (beginning of the blog) finds the Fletchers with 7 children at home -- our oldest at college and two more in out of home placements due to escalating behaviors. Life at home is fairly peaceful ... but only in comparison.

I just returned from Texas about a week ago after speaking in three Cities (San Antonio, Austin, Houston) about large families as a viable option for waiting children and about matching. It was a good trip and went well, but has certainly increased my workload for Adopt America. (

I am slated to speak again in Florida in April, and in Pittsburg in August, and have decided that maybe it is time to actually finish the book that I've started so that I have something to sell when I speak.

It's my intention to post chapters as they are done. I suppose people could even give me feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely publish it! You have a very personal style and besides that the humor is great. I think families would love your book. Just don't make it too expensive!!

    Thanks for the comments on Al's book. He'd be happy to share his experience with Publish America with you, both good and bad. He's definitely not making much money!

    May I share your website with others? Would like to at least share with Barb Holtan, our director and Mary Lou Edgar, our fulfillment director (What a title, right?)

    I'll keep an eye on your Blogg. By the way are you meaning to spell it Bloggining or Blogginig?

    Thanks again. Sylvia
