Tuesday, July 12, 2005

At a loss

I'm having technological withdrawal. Even though I have a PC with cable internet to work from, I don't have my entire hard drive. I know that I need a laptop, but I don't want to work from one all the time. I love my G5, a LOT.

I have the morning to myself to catch up on some email, but I don't have access to all of my old emails. I rely on them substantially every day ... right now I have over 30,000 of them saved that I refer to all the time. I'm like a fish out of water without them becuase my storage space on my personal hard drive (my brain) is completely full and now I have to rely on something else to remember for me.

My kids are at VBS at an Hispanic church in the Quad Cities. The friends we are staying with pastor there and they took them, leaving me with a morning alone. Strangely quiet here.

I brought an old laptop with me and tried to load stuff on it, but it is one of the first edition blue IBooks and it just won't do what i need it to do...

It will do in a pinch, but I still don't have all my stuff.

OK, enough whining. Overall, things are good...

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE post soon, I'm in the throes of utter withdrawal from your adentures...
