Friday, July 29, 2005

Blisters on Top of My Blisters

Sea World today and it was a great day. We were there almost 10 hours and found plenty to do. The kids seemed less whiny today even though there was less to do than at Disney. I enjoyed it much more as the shows were great.

HOWEVER, anyone who sits at the computer 18 hours a day 5 or 6 days a week should definitely not think she can be on her feet for two days straight without punishment.

I have a bad back, thus my feet hardly ever hurt. Fortunately, God must have blessed me the past couple days, because my back didn't bother me too much. Thus, my feet are killing me. They are so NOT USED to carrying around my big bulk.

Tonight, after having a blast with the kids most of the day (they were really well behaved today, all of them) Dominyk asks Bart if he can sit with me on the ride home.

Now, for those of you adoptive mothers out there who are married and have adopted waiting kids, you know that choosing Mom over Dad simply does not happen. None of my kids ever really had a dad they knew, but all of them have some type of issues with their mother. So, I am the one to hate, not the one to lovee, and very seldom, especially from the boys, do I ever get chosen.

So, that was monumental. However, Dominyk is such a straight-shooter you would think he had my genes. I sit down in the charter bus seat with him and he says, "Mom, I hate to tell you, but I think Dad's quite a bit skinnier than you are. When I sit with him, I actually have a whole seat.

Isn't he great? Here he is asking me, "Do you think this is a good hairdo, or is this plant having a bad hair day?"

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