Friday, July 22, 2005


So, we went to Columbus to see old friends from years ago who are still friends and it's like we haven't been apart. My best friend Bob and I used to go to their house to play Rook with them almost every weekend night for a couple years. Until late at night we would discuss, argue, and debate issues surrounding our place of employment, the Christian church, and the world. We listened to Mike sing 70's tunes and though they will argue, I believe the final record of Rook games played was 96-62 or something like that, with Bob and I trouncing on them more often than not.

This is Michael It's not a great picture, but he can be pretty nuts sometimes. His introduction to the SInging Rambos album is priceless.

This is Josetta. She is a saint. After all, she's been married to Michael for a lotta years. She is holding in her hands cards that Michael or I might big 140-145 on, but she'd probably be nervous to bid 120.

And that's Laura, who used to be six but isn't any more.

And Taylor, who only was around to pose for the familyi pictures, and used to be 3 and adorable is now 17 and adorable. I left Bartlesville for Missions trip to Mexico and everyone was sad to see me go. But Taylor could not figure out what the big deal was that Miss Claudie was going to Texaco.

Notice how happy Salinda was that morning.... I've been tortured by angry boys for years, but her looks can kill...

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