Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Day Ahead

Today will be a marathon. After yesterdays picnic, I came home to some solid hours at my desk getting ready for church this morning and trying to direct the 4 kids going with me through their packing. Am also packing another child for camp, as I promised my husband I would do it before I left.

In about 20 minutes I will leave for the church where I will set up the laptop and get things ready for traditional worship, where I am running the Powerpoint. Then between services I will work on getting things ready for new worship. Since the Bishop is coming, there will be more stress to have things go well, and often they do not. Sometimes the connection to the non-Mac, 43 pound laptop that the church bought gets cut off and we don't know why. Bart's powerbook, however, stays connected. Anyway, don't get me started on non-macs...

Then after new worship we are having buffalo burgers with the bishop, followed by a quick "within ten days" visit with a child who was adopted that I totally forgot I needed to do.... then I'll come back here and finish packing the van and then we're off on our ten day adventure.

If I could somehow zap my G-5 into a nice small powerbook for times like this and every spot on earth had wireless internet, I wouldn't mind travelling. But I feel REALLY out of sorts without having a computer where I can check my email every moment. I know that I am hopelessly addicted, but I match a lot of kids every year and you can't do that if you just take a week off and forget about it.

I have a lot of situations brewing that I have to keep up with ... I have a sib group of 7, a group of 6, and group of 5, a group of 4, two or three groups of 3 ... all due to come home to their adoptive parents before school starts (in addition to several groups of 2 and a lot of single kids). I'm not even telling most people how many matches I have any more because I only care because of what it represents and I'm thinking that having a lot is going to cause some annoyance on the part of others. It's a long story.

AND there are several staffings going to take place during the next two weeks and I just HAVE TO know the results...

OK, OK. So I'm a bit obsessed.

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