Thursday, July 21, 2005

End of the work day report

WEll, today I hit an all time record. I was going to ask you to guess how many emails you thought I sent today, but I figured it would be more fun to just tell you.

It's 6:10 and in the last 11 hours I have sent 356 emails. That is separate emails, not how many people received them. That's like an average of one every two minutes for the whole 11 hours.

My feet still look like large bursting sausages.

But life is good.
I posted lots of kids
meaning maybe lots of matches will happen.

And my husband is coming home.
I haven't seen him for almost 2 weeks.
I will be happy to see him.

And he will be the only human on earth to get to see the full effect of my sunscreen mishap.

I'm heading to do a post-placement visit and then home to see my man and put my feet up!

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