Saturday, July 30, 2005

Favorite Sea World Attraction

Yesterday at sea world, we saw LOTS of cool stuff. Even though there are only two rides, the kids seemed to enjoy Sea World more than Disney World. I asked them and most of them said they preferred Sea World.

My favorite part of Sea World was the Sea Lion and Otter Show for two reasons. The first is that the Sea Lions are in the season where they "bulk up" for the winter and are at their heaviest. It is also mating season, apparently. Well, during this well scripted and rehearsed show, the two sea lions decided not to cooperate. At all. Since sometimes the trainers train the animals not to obey for humor, it took a while for us to realize that they were not doing what they were supposed to do. After a while it became just hilarious. They started barking at each other and biting each others necks. These huge animals just wouldn't do what they were supposed to do. The trainers started to laugh and everyone kept messing up their lines. They said, "these guys weigh several hundred pounds more than us, so we're going to have to follow their lead." By the end of the show, some of which they had to do without the sea lions, making it pretty rediculous, the actors and trainers were all commenting on how glad they were the show was over.

Better even that that was the mime in this picture who was the "warm up band" for the show. He basically stood at first aisle and made fun of people who walked by. He did all the things I would do if I could. He pretended to be the people in front of him. He pretended to take the hair off of of a person with too much and put it on a bald guy. He especially did a great impression of the gangsta wannabees and the way they walked and dressed. I just loved it.

My fiifteen favorite minutes of the day by far.

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