Tuesday, July 26, 2005

First Stop

We're in Burnsville at the Park-n-Fly holiday inn.

Interesting trip. I had to stop in a park to do a conference call adoption staffing and then make another stop to get adoption paperwork signed.

Our trip so far has included such highlights as:

is it pronounced Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Shitty Shitty Bang Bang?

Dominyk putting things in my hair until I was ready to go insane ...

Me grabbing the wrong medicine (Dominyk's ADHD afternoon meds and his meds for the infection he had around his mouth three weeks ago look strangely similar) -- guess we're going to have a VERY hyper boy with a VERY healthy mouth;

Bart reading through the Travel Guides to Disney World and planning strategy with Dominyk saying, "Ooh, and Aah, and I'm going there, and Tell me more, Dad, tell me more..."

tonight Bart went Nalgene bottle shopping at the Mall of America with some of the kids while the rest of the kids swam.

And, i know this sounds like it is all about Dominyk, but tonight we came to the hotel rooms for shower. I supervised everything but the very end when he said, "PLEASE, Mom, I'm going to be naked here. I need to put on my boxers and need some privacy." So, I stupidly left him alone and within seconds he was attempting to make coffee and there were grounds everywhere.

Now if we can just get our oldest to realize that two beds and four people equals two per bed, not him alone in a bed, two in the other bed, and one on the floor....

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