Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Funk

I'm kind of in a funk. Time is going by too fast. Most of what I intended to do today hasn't gotten done. Time before I leave is getting shorter and my list is getting longer and I'm getting crabbier.

I don't feel the least bit inspired. The Bishop is coming to speak at our church on Sunday and I want to make sure there is a decent multimedia presentation, but I'm running out of good pictures and time to do it.

Then Sunday we leave for our trip to Toledo via Rolfe, IA, Silvis, IL and our return home a few days later via Columbus, OH and Sawyer, MI.

Tired thinking about it, but not as tired as I was thinking about doing it in the car. At least I have the fun new van to drive.

Intended to write both my sons yesterday and today and didn't get it done....


  1. Have you tried Microsoft picture story, it's free and ever so easy to make really cool multimedia presentations.

  2. Thanks for the tip. I use a mac and the software isn't the issue.... I can make pretty cool ones, just need time, motivation, and good pictures....
