Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Getting ready for the Adventure

It is strangely quiet for a moment, but earlier today it was mayhem.

My kids, for some reason, have this equation in their minds:

excitement = disobedience

Whenever we get ready to go somewhere they get very excited and thus are misbehaving like crazy. I, on the other hand, while scurrying around trying to get ready, or sitting at my desk getting those last minute emails written, am not irritated at all by their misbehavior (believe that???)

So then I come in and want cooperation and obedience and they say no, or run from me, or simply stare at me blankly like I'm speaking a different language or like I am from another planet.

Then we have one that is incredibly defiant and bonkers. He is my poster child for ODD which is proven by the fact that he is screaming, "I AM NOT GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!" NOBODY but a kid with ODD would say they were not going to go on this family vacation.

He has called me every name in the book this morning, purposefully dressed himself several times in other people's clothing, and spent a lot of his energy trying his best to get everyone in the house riled up. He has been screaming for most of the morning.

At this point in time before EVERY family event, Bart and I are saying to each other, "We're NEVER going to do this again." And then we plan another outing a few weeks later like we never even remember what happened the last time we did something like this.

Ah the joys...

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