Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ice Cream Social

Plans have changed and we're staying in Toledo one more night.

We just got back from the ice cream social ... four hours of adopted kids and kids who need to be adopted, adoptive families and families wanting to adopt, gathering together with volunteers, staff members, and adoption specialists from The Adopt America Network. Games, food, fun, conversation ...

Very fun to see kids that I have had a part in matching.

If the kids who are supposed to come home in the next month do come home, I will have had a part in matching 5 different 17 year old kids in the last twelve months. Do you know what a rush that is? I can't think of anything more awesome than keeping a kid from aging out without someone to be committed to them as their parents for life.

I always leave enthusiastic about matching and glad to be part of an organization that has found so many famillies for kids ... about 2500 in their history, and it looks like we may hit 250 this year.


Now I'm deciding what the options are for our unexpected free evening. We'll head to Columbus in the morning.

Might post again depending on how the night goes...


  1. hey my puter back and started a blog..."making a go of it" is my title. Glad all is going well.

  2. o.k. Claudia, you commented that you wanted some action from us, but what about you? We are going through Claudia withdrawls here. No blogging at all. It's like going completely cold turkey.
