Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mid-day update

Well, people have been asking me all day about my feet.

Here's the deal: My husband likes it cold in the house in the summer. Really cold. I even turned it up. But, the good news is that my feet are completely frozen -- like blocks of ice. So I don't feel the pain of the burn. I have hardly moved because walking is difficult with the swelling, but my feet do not hurt. They just feel very, very, very cold.

BUT I have not walked away from my undaunting task of responding to email, which, if I would abandon, I could put my feet up and then maybe they wouldn't look like large frozen pork tenderloins.

I started with 341 in my inbox that needed a response at 7:15. It is now 12:25 and I have 229 messages left. I have sent 170 messages and have had as many as 5 IM windows open at a time.

I'm cooking, my kids are parenting themselves with a few words chipped in from me ocassionally, and I am on an email mission...

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