Friday, July 22, 2005

Silvis happenings

While we were in Silvis we stayed with great friends of mine that I worked with in Mexico. They continue to look exactly the same and act almost exactly the same. I feel like I'm in a time warp EXCEPT that their kids were 13, 11, 8 and 3 when I spent most of my time with them and now the youngest is 16 and the only one still at home.

So, when I feel like I'm in a time warp, I just look over at him and BOOM I'm back to reality.

I have lots of cute stories about him when he was three, but I will only tell one. I used to read to him often and his favorite story was "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish." After the 425th time through the book, I started letting him finish the phrases.

One day I read:

Why are they sad, and glad, and bad,
I do not know, go ask your ...

and Benji replied, "MOTHER!"

Here is cute little Benj all grown up with my kids after a trip to the Ice Cream store where he works.

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