Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why I never walk barefoot in my home...

OK, So I never walk barefoot in my home. I don't trust my children and I never know what really might happen. I mean I have 7 year old who told me he had been sacrificing baby chickens only to find out he egged the neighbors house. SO what might be on the floor is something I don't want on my feet.

BUT today I can't fit my stupid feet into shoes.

So, I got up to turn down the air which feels like an artic blast on my sunburned feet, and stepped right in dog doo doo. Squishy, smelly, ugly slimy dog crap between my swollen toes.

I really reallly really am not enjoying my life at this particular moment...

And no, you don't get to see a picture, and yes, I did immediately wash my foot, though it was very difficult and painful to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Ha! I did that yesterday morning but I did have my shoes on. It is good to have you home.
