Monday, August 15, 2005


One of the things that I constantly battle with is balance. I tend to be obsessive compulsive when it comes to working, especially when I have jobs that I am passionate about.

If I let myself, I can sit at my desk and work from when I get out of bed until I get back to bed, with the exception of meals. I can stop long enough to talk to my kids as they interrupt me all day long, but I don't do things with them awful enough.

OK, go ahead and say, "How long has it been since your last confession?"

Anyway, everyonceandawhile I pledge to do better. This is one of those everyonceandawhiles.

Last night I walked away from the computer by 8:30.

Tonight I took the kids to the park for a couple hours and then later we did the DQ/scary story in the cemetary I already blogged about.

I know i'm not a great parent. I am committed to my kids and I try to hang in there with them, and we try to make sure they make good choices, etc, but I don't fall into my definition of a good parent.

But I'm going to try to do better, and every day I'm going to wake up and do it for another day.

Until they are all grown and I regret not having loved it more when it was happening -- all the fighting, arguing, spitting, cussing, farting, burping chaos will probably be missed.

Or maybe we'll be like Cindy and just fill our house with grandchildren and grown children and die being surrounded by it all.


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