Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Blessed Quietness, Holy Quietness

I just got up from a NAP. Yes, a real live nap. Almost an hour in a perfectly quiet hotel room. It was phenomenal.

I only slept about two hours last night.... couldn't fall asleep because I somehow convinced myself, against my own better judgment, that I could have caffeine at supper time because I was so tired it wouldn't affect me. WRONG. So I fell asleep about 2:15 and had to get up about 4:15.

We took a 6:30 flight to Chicago, and then were here in Pittsburgh by noon. Had some lunch and came to the hotel to check in by about 2. I did some email, some Instant Messaging and then, laid down in a beautifully adorned and ever so comfortable king size bed with my not-so-beautifully adorned but oh so wonderful husband for a nap. Yes, a nap. Don't go there.

He is still snoozing while I am blogging and posting emails, wanting to keep matching.....

Tomorrow I'll have a day to work/relax/blog/write in quietness before we register for the conference which we will attend over the next few days.

Ah, the quietness...

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