Monday, August 29, 2005

Day Maker

Not that anyone cares all that much about this, but in April I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes or real diabetes depending on how one wants to frame it (and whether or not one is in denial).

So, I started working really hard on lowering the blood sugar and losing weight. In three months I had lost about 16 pounds and then things started to get crazy. We went to Ohio, we went to Florida, we went to Pittsburgh. I still stayed away from sugar, but was having way too many carbs.

I stopped testing my sugars obsessively and didn't get weighed (notice I saw weighed and I can pronounce my Ls) since the beginning of July.

I had to go back to the doctor today and I was super stressed that I had gained the 16 back and I was going to be having to start all over again.


1 comment:

  1. way cool, hey I need that # for PCA services if you think of it.
