Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Day that Never Ends

Yesterday was the day that seemed it would never end.

Got up at 3 you know, for the early plane ride, went to the hospital to interpret, came home, worked, then after supper, went to pick up my Guatemalan contingency, and came home, so exhausted I was dizzy and nauseaus.

Got undressed, got in bed, and then my daughter, who had had stomach pains, threw up for the 6th time. When I went to talk to her about her pain, and she described appendicitis.

So back on with clothes and over to the ER for an hour for tests.

Didn't rule out appendicitis, but it probably isn't that.

So, I was up for 21 hours. Haven't been up that long straight since I was in my late twenties, I don't think.

And I woke up this morning to many troubling thoughts requiring me to get out of bed and get moving.

I've decided to start referring to it as my "Too Do" list because it always has too many things on it. I needed to start working on that annoying list, so I got out of bed, still not fully rested....

Hopefully this day will be shorter...

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