Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Downside of Blogging

Something very sad happened last night. My incredible husband wrote the most touching and meaningful tribute to me on his blog. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever written about me.

However, it included some information that was a "secret." While it was a good thing, it was a thing I haven't told many people about because of the reaction some would have. So I had to ask him to take it off.

It was so hard to do that. I won't post his feelings, because they are his, but I felt awful.

I don't like having secrets and I don't like having them because some people are small minded and don't get it.

Because of my job, I have lots of confidentiality issues to worry about. I don't like that either. I would love to be able to post photos of the kids who are going to new families, etc, but wow, would THAT be a breach of every employment agreement I've signed. Even kids placed in an adoptive home are wards of the state they came from until the family finalizes in court.

So, the downside of blogging is that I can't have a separate blog for the people who I trust and I know understand. It has to be all out there, where the world can read it, with the possibility of misunderstanding, jealousy, gossip, and brewing everywhere.

But my husband is still awesome and I hope he'll continue to blog. He's such a great writer.


  1. sorry I had to miss that one, and yes he is a great writer

  2. That will teach you to skip a day. :-)
