Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Got up at 4 this morning to catch an early flight, which is 3 this time.

It's 4 and I feel like it's 10.

So tired I can barely focus.

Went straight from the airport (after stopping at home to pee) to translate for the Guatemalan birthmom who had the baby yesterday.

Incredible new respect for birthmoms who make adoption plans for their newborns. She was so strong and so sure she was doing the right thing. So committed to him having a better life that she wouldn't even let herself hold him becuase she didn't want to change her mind.

Strong, strong, strong girl, only 16.
Already a parent of a one year old.
I was so proud of her.
Walking out of the hospital, obviously in pain.
Going through labor
and leaving the hospital alone.
Knowing it was a sacrifice of love.
People tried to talk her out of it.
But she knew what she had decided to do.
And did not waiver once.
From the first time we met a month ago until now.
Sure of the right thing.
Sure she wouldn't change her mind.
Following through like a trooper.
I was amazed.

In awe .... I have so much respect for her.

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