Sunday, August 21, 2005

Great Sermons for Life

My husband is a great preacher.

I mean, face it, I'm one lucky (blessed?) human being. I am guaranteed great sermons for the rest of my life (or at least for the rest of his life, which really would be unfortunate if he died first because...

and I digress, but this is a very accurate observation that I must make ...

If Bart died tomorrow, God forbid, I would be a widow with 10 children. No man, even if I was hot, sexy, gorgeous and thin, would come NEAR me.

On the other hand, if I died tomorrow, God Permit, please (just kidding), there would be lines of older single women -- widows, divorcees, "old maids", who would love to rescue him. There would be hoards asking for the chance to come in and be his salvation.

So, I figure, God knows this, and either we're dying simultaneously, or I get to go first....

Anyway, I know this is disjointed, but here's my point. Most people luck out of they get a couple of good preachers as their pastors, unless they are church hoppers. Someone who sticks with a church over the years knows that they are going to end up with a bad preacher somewhere along the line. That's not to say that they would have a bad pastor, but there are pastors who can preach, and pastors who can REALLY preach.

I am married to a pastor who can REALLY preach and I get to listen to him almost every Sunday. I have for 10 years now, and I hope I can for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I SOO agree with you. I'll take a list of names now that Brian can look at when I die (j/k). Brian would have offers, me ~ I'll live in a shoe.

