Saturday, August 27, 2005

Inspired by Cindy

After having read over and over again about Cindy and her beans, I asked her how she makes them.

Made 4 pounds.

The 8 of us didn't quite eat as much as Cindy's tribe -- they can go through 8 pounds I'm sure, but we did polish off 2 pounds at least.

They were good. I had one serving and I'm stuffed.

First meatless meal we've had in a while. First time I've cooked in a long time.


  1. (Ahem). If you need more meatless recipes, I know a bratty little offspring of Cindy's that has a whole slew of them.

  2. Ah Silly you -- do you not know that I read the "offsprings" website every time it is updated?

    And that there are a few moments that I am even tempted?

    However, I hate cooking and think that a recipe with more than 5 ingredients is WAY too much for me.

  3. Beans, beans are good for your heart!, The more you eat, the more you....
