Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It Sure is a Good Thing ...

that I am now an "adoption professional." If I were not, I would feel a great need to fit another child in my house and lately I'm feeling way too tired for that.

In addition, we have found out this week that the same judge who is handling the Child Protection case (against us -- long, annyoing story) is also set up to handle the juvenile deliniquency hearing for another child AND the finalization of Ricardo's adoption from Guatemala. Now THAT should be interesting. I hope that either he will pretend he doesn't know us or at least let us tell him that we already had Ricardo here before John and MIke started going "awry" (can people go awry?).

Anyway, yesterday I placed the seven kids, today I did a post-placement visit with a pre-teen, and I left so glad to have been a part of finding them a home, yet glad I wasn't going to have to do the hard stuff.

Again, anyone can do this, you just gotta wanna do it and be willing to live with what you get....

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