Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I just read my friend Mary's blog and her countdown to school and I would just like to say that I am on the home stretch. I can see the finish line.

School starts on Thursday. It is just one more full day away as today is almost behind us. Tomorrow we will say goodbye to summer and move into fall.

My kids crave structure and I don't care what anyone says, structure without school is HARD to do. Especially when I'm trying to work AND blog faithfully. :-)

However, for the first time ever I'm thinking I'm going to miss them when they go back this year. During moments of peaceful interractions, they have been fun to have around. They are getting to the ages where we can have very interesting and fun conversations. They are interested in what I am doing for my jobs and in who I am as a person more than ever before. They are developing their sense of humor and can see the irony and humor in our family life and in the personality quirks of their siblings.

They have also been very helpful. There's always someone willing to run to the Post Office or Bank or Grocery store for me. Sometiems they volunteer to make MY lunch instead of me making theirs. They help with laundry, though not perfectly, dishes, also not perfectly, and cleaning.

In two days it is going to be very quiet here and for the first time, I'm not sure I will like it as well.

Time is just going by too dang fast you know. Before I know it, they'll all be grown...

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