Sunday, August 14, 2005

New Mercies Every Morning

Last night I was crabby. Tired and feeling like I was in a corner I couldn't escape from.

Our son in residential is not doing well at all. He's to the point of saying he doesn't want to come home to live with us anymore, he wants a new family (although they would never release him even to us right now, much less try to find him another family). He's trying to blame us for who he is and where he is and he is regressing instead of making progress. But he has been told 1000 times he has to complete the program, and he's refusing to do anything to get him there.

And then there's the corner of hiring your own child to work for you and ... well, I'm not going to go there, but I'm sure you can guess what that corner could be like.

But, the beauty of my personality combined with my strong faith is that I truly believe verses of scripture like, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" and "Thy mercies are new every morning, Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "The sun will come up tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, they'll be sun" ... oh yeah, that's ANnie, not God...

So every night when I'm tired and feeling cornered and helpless I tell myself what my mother used to say to me every time I went to bed tired and depressed as a child and teen (in fact she still tells me this now), "Everything will look better in the morning."

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