Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Not Quite as Desperate

For some reason I'mn ot quite as desperate for school to start this year as I have been in the past. Sometimes I'm just exploding with stress by this point, counting the days and minutes, yearning for the first day of school.

But this year it's different. The kids are older, I'm enjoying them more, I guses, and while it has been crazy here at times, it hasn't been impossible. I look forward to the routine and having uninterrupted hours, but there are things we have to trade for that -- like earlier bedtimes, earlier rising times, and a hectic schedule.

Wow, this is a boring blog entry.

Anyway, the bottom line is this: in 15 days I will be sending my kids off to school, but this year I'm not dancing around singing, "it's the most wonderful time of the year."

Even if I do feel that way for a few minutes of each day.

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