Friday, August 12, 2005

Obviously My Better Half

We just returned from the fair. I'll blog more about that tommorrow.

I just read my husband's first blog post. Impressive, isn't he? You can tell the opposites attract.

I mean how shallow am I compared to him? I'm getting ready to write about things at the floor like caloric intake of fair foods, or how my youngest loves getting free fish trading cards in the expo building, or how embarrasing it is when Jimmy talks with his hands and explains that John is in the bathroom...

and Bart is blogging about inner callings and important and deep stuff.

He is so cool!

We balance each other out well -- he at times envies my optimism, but explains it as being a result of my shallowness. I am often amazed at his introspection and depth, but see that it has it's downside as well.

The other night I told him that it was funny we shared the same future as "My future's so bright I gotta wear shades" and his is "so bleak he needs a miner's hat with a flashlight attached."

I just found out that 4 kids I matched almost a year ago got home to Tennessee from TX today and that another three that were matched over a year ago are going from TX to Indiana, and that a third three, also matched a year ago, are going from FL to WV.

I'm going to break my own personal monthy record this month, and that is the coolest!

Finally, John, our son from the ranch, spent the day at the fair with us and it was very fun.

However, for those of you who pray, please pray for Mike. He is doing horribly and is about to self-destruct. There is nothing we can do and he won't even try to make any progress. He's been without any significant progress since Memorial Day and we're beginning to worry about him.

Enough blathering for now ... I think I'll read Bart's blog again and make sure I understand it well before talking to him about it. :-)

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