Friday, August 12, 2005

Our New Hospital

Our town has a brand new hospital and clinic. They've been working on it for years.

I wanted to see it sometime.

Just not this week.

If you read everyday you know that Salinda was there Tuesday night in the E.R. when we thought she might have appendicitis. Of course, she didn't, and by yesterday was dancing and playing tennis and eating pizza.

Yesterday I got to return to the hospital so Dominyk could have stitches put in his finger. He was fishing and had a pocket knife that his PCA loaned him, and he decided he didn't want to hold it any more, so he'd just stab it into a chunk of wood so it would be handy.

But he forgot to move his other hand out of the way.

So, two hours and 3 stitches later, we were back home and life was going on again as usually. Next week we get to go back to have them taken out.

Today is the fair in Sioux Falls that our kids have been looking forward to ever since last year when we went. When I suggested that since we had already seen Disney World and Sea World this summer, so maybe we didn't need to do the Minnehaha County Fair they looked at my like I had lost my complete mind.

And because it was Salinda who wanted this worse than anyone, and since she is almost ALWAYS helpful, sees things to do to help out, and seldom complains, we're going.

Salinda is the girl who asked for a later bedtime. I asked her to petition in writing. Her essay was called, "My persuasive essay about bedtime" and included such statements as, "I like to clean up around the house at night so that we can wake up to a clean home. If you let me stay up later I'll have more time to clean."

Petition granted.

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