Saturday, August 13, 2005

Registering Kids for School...

...hould not take a full day of ones life.

We have the registration form.
And we have the health form.
And we have the Milk form.
And we have the lunch forms.
And we have the internet usage agreement forms.
And we have the athletic physicals.
And the athletic permission slips.
And the fees to pay for the milk.
And the fees to pay for athletics.

all this times 7.

And this of course, does not include anything related to our college sophomore, which I already did (financial aid, etc)


all the IEP stuff.

Or the stuff for the boys in other schools who are in residential.

I've been working on it most of today.

But sometimes it is kind of fun becuase I enjoy being so unique -- for example, my ten kids were born in eight different places, including a foreign country and 3 US states.

My kids are of three different races.

My kids are all messed up as far as ages and grades. For example, my 2nd to the youngest is in 5th, my 3rd to the youngest is in 4th, but so is my 4th from the youngest.

I have two kids in 11th, two in 7th, and 2 in fourth.

The med forms are always interesting with all the psychotropic meds and dosages.

Poor, poor, people out there with boring lives who have one or two kids and five or six forms with nothing to write on them.


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