Sunday, August 21, 2005

Saint Bartholomew

My husband is a saint. Every Sunday morning he chooses a couple people to go over to the church with him when he goes early. Usually he takes the same two kids with him who know the routine and are easy to supervise and redirect.

I usually come downstairs to chaos with all the "hard kids' fighting and carrying on. This morning I came down to find that he had taken the three most difficult and one other with him. No fighting, everyone here is ready early.

I IMd him that he's a saint.

He is the most unpredictable man I know, and it makes my life exciting. For example, a couple weeks ago when we went to the fair, I came home to find him shampooing all the carpets with a new carpet shampooer. NOT what I expected to find him doing after an exhausting day at the fair.

For someone who detests boredom, I sure picked the right guy!

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