Saturday, August 13, 2005

School Supplies -- have to whine a little more

Every single grade is different.
Everything has a twist to it.
I am surrounded by Walmart and Pamida bags.
Everything is supposed to be marked.

Who still has last year's backpack? (Now let me digress on that one. If you take care of your backpack you don't get a new one, but if you lose or ruin it, then you'll get another one. Last year, I made the kids who lost theirs take the old backpacks of the kids who didn't lose their's, but right now I just can't even keep all that straight and bought new backpacks for whoever wanted one.)

Anyway, if you're in 3, 4th or 5th you can't have a Trapper Keeper, but in 6th you need one. Folders have to be certain colors and you can't have college ruled until middle school, only wide ruled.

And if you are in elementary you need gym shoes, no black soles. Middle school you have to have gym shoes AND clothes.

In high school, there are no lists, so you're on your own.

Except for the $80 calculator for 10th grade.

I have had a child in every single grade now, so I think I have it down. Maybe.

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