Friday, August 19, 2005

Tech support

For years I have used the internet to be my "support group" for my adoption journey. Becuase the computer is available 24/7 and nobody can here background noise, it's an ideal tool for connecting for me.

I have participated in chat rooms, list-servs, and also use email and IMs to connect with other adoptive parents. However, I am finding the blog world the most enjoyable of any of these kids of technological support."

Several of my friends who have adopted are blogging, and reading a few paragraphs from each of them every day has been so enriching. I enjoy hearing their perspectives, seeing their pictures, and realizing how many things we have in common even though we are in different states, have different numbers and kinds of children, and sometimes have very little else in common than our adoptive experience.

Some of my friends blog like I do -- whatever comes to mind, a picture here and there. Others, like my husband and my friend Kari, create a work of art with each entry. All of them either make me think, laugh, cry or just smile. Yolie's always gives me a different perspective as she is an adult adoptee and Sarah's actually makes me hungry for healthy food. I could site more examples, but I'm on my way out the door.

I love technology more than almost anything else not-human in our society. I love what I can do with very little talent. And lately, I especially love blogging as I feel like I am so connected with so many different people.

Blog on, folks!

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