Thursday, August 18, 2005

Tribute to My Dad

Yesterday, on Rand's birthday, my dad turned 83. I'm not even sure how to give a tribute good enough to describe a man like him.

My dad married later in life, at the age of 40. I was born when he was 41. He was a bivocational pastor of an inner city church when I was growing up (working nights cleaning the City and County of Denver building).

But more important than his vocation was his unwavering integriity. He has never ever let me down. He has always maintained his faithfulness to my mother, has always told the truth, has never stopped loving me (or my rebellious brothers), has set an example in the area of personal piety, has lived within his means, and has faithfully done what he needs to do, day by day, no matter how boring or seemingly insignificant.

In my book, he's a hero because he has been faithful in the little things all his life, without recognition.

Can't even do justice to him, and so glad he's lived this long.

Now his days are filled with reruns and crossword puzzles, and I try to call him every couple of days with a new joke -- and even when I don't have a new one, he laughs as if he'd never heard it.

Love you, Dad!

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