Monday, August 15, 2005

Very Very Very Annoying Habits

I don't have any. So don't go there.

But my kids have some.

I have a spitter. It's recent, just started this summer. Continuous habitual spitting. Lovely.

And of course, I have my OCD chanter who has a consistent monologue throughout the day about his boredom.

My girls have the habit of simply not responding at all to what I say. They just sit and glare at me or stare at their feet.

And that's not to mention the unnecessary, repititious noise that I have previously mentioned.

In addition to having bad habits, Dominyk is a truth teller. Calls it like he sees it. Every time.

We were arm wrestling the other day and as he was bending my arm back I mentioned that it hurt me when he did that.

He said, "Mom, it's cause your arm is too fat. No offense."

Do nine year olds say, "no offense!"?????

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