Saturday, August 13, 2005

What Going to the Fair Means for Dominyk

Going to the fair means different things to different people. I thought I'd give an explanation for some of us who are very different in the way we perceive the fair.

WE'll see how far we get.

For Dominyk, the fair is about stuff. Free stuff. It can be free stuff from the booths in the expo building or from tables along the run way. Items from last night included a hairbrush from the casino, a selection cards with a different fish on each of them from who knows who with complete explanations of each fish and their habitat, several yardsticks, a lint brush, and a gumball with "save sex til marriage" on the wrapper.

It isn't just about free stuff that he gets legitimately, it can be about free stuff he finds on the ground. Stuff that other people have dropped or lost, stuff that other people have discarded (like broken yardsticks).

He just loves to get stuff. Sure, he rode rides, and he had stuff to eat, but it was about the STUFF.

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