Monday, August 15, 2005

WIsh I had a Remote

I wish Life had a Remote. I've thought this many times.

If it did, I could do lots of things.

LIke right now, I could fast forward my morning.

There are other times when a remote might come in handy as well. Just think how often it would be if we could:

Hit pause and make everything else stop while we took time to collect ourselves, think through our actions, make good decisions, calm our emotions or just TAKE A NAP!;

Hit rewind when something was awesome, and live the good times over and over again;

Change the channel when we didn't like what was happening. If life was offering us a thriller, we could switch to a romantic comedy. If life provided the news, we could switch to a cartoon. If we were dealt a real-life drama, we could just push a button and the three stooges would pop on. Or, if we found ourselves in the middle of an episode of the three stooges (which I felt like I was riding home with two of my sons yesterday), we could switch to some nice educational programming.

But the number one purpose of the remote in my life, would be the mute button. I bet life at my house would fairly comical without the sound. Watching the kids do what they do without having to hear it would make it seem quite bearable.

A Remote for Life: Just think of the possibilities.

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