Wednesday, August 10, 2005

You Know that You're Old When...

you hate a car like this.

We got this as our rental while in Pittsburgh and grew to hate it more and more every passing moment.

We couldn't get into it easily.
We couldn't get out of it easily.
It had annoying seat belt clangers.
The seat belt was too tight.
Bart never seemed to park it quite right.
The break and the gas were too close together so he kept hitting both of them.
Only one suitcase fit in the trunk.
There were only 2 doors, so we had to smash the other suitcase past the front seat to get it in the back.
People kept saying, "Cool Car" and we kept having to say, "Rental."

It was such an annoying experience, driving this mustang, that it made me feel like I was 100 years old or more....

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