Sunday, September 04, 2005

Another evening at the Park, Another Chapter on the Blog

I'm finding the laptop especially nice when I take the kids to the park. I can type chapters of the book that I have written, something I hardly ever do when I am connected to the internet.

Had a pretty good day. A couple of the boys got in a fight and our son who is home from the week from the ranch was involved. Very interesting how we processed the whole thing -- how we have all changed. However, some of the things that have come out of his mouth, obviously his understanding of things he has been told, were fairly alarming. I am so proud of his progress, and yet still no that we all have a long ways to go.

One more day and then the kids will go to school and be there for 4 straight days. I'm hoping to accomplish much this week...

Check out the new chapter. It's a nice one (as in, it's a bunch of nice memories, a cool story about the power of faith and prayer, and an introduction to some neat kids).

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