Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Best Laid Plans ...

Tonight we decided we wanted to go out to supper, just the two of us. Not for hours -- just somewhere in town before Bart left for 11 days straight.

We had some things we wanted to talk about.

So, I instructed the most responsible to keep an eye on the least responsible and make sure that he wasn't doing anything dangerous. Told her to call if things got out of hand.

Guess how long we were gone? Three minutes. I am not joking. Three minutes. We weren't even half way to the restaurant. Apparently Most Responsible decided that taking a pop Least Responsible wasn't supposed to have constituted something dangerous that required her to intervene. So, she tries to take the pop away from him, and bashes the can into his gums. He therefore decides to really get her for her invasion of his ability to do what he wanted to do. He gets out a knife and threatens her with it.

But the phone call we got THREE MINUTES after leaving the driveway was, "Mom, HE is already threatening me with a knife and calling me names." No details about her behavior, simply his.

So we came home and decided to attempt to talk in our bedroom. I had string cheese for supper. It wasn't quite as we had planned it.

Bottom line is this: We should have known better.

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