Thursday, September 22, 2005

Big Dreams, No Money

I have a lot of plans in my head that could change the world. I have ideas that could make a huge difference. But they take money.

I've been a Director of Development before and I know that it is a game of competition . . . writing the best proposal, having the right connections.

I'm working on an idea right now for combining my two greatest passions: my faith and adoption. The ideas I have and how well I think it would work are so on target that I can see it play out in my head step by step.

But what I can't necessarily see is how the funding is all going to come about. There are way too many worthy programs out there that deserve the money as well.

Picture it with me:

1) A congregation would be trained to support adoptive families -- all who will come learning about the needs the kids have, what they have been through, and how best to reach them. These people learn what they can do to be of assistance to an adoptive family. They sign up to help in whatever way they can the adoptive family/families already in their church.

2) Once the congregation is trained, challenge them to find two or more additional families willing to provide a lifelong connection to a child or sibling group. These new pre-adoptive/pre-mentoring families would begin their journey with the following things in place:

a) A mentoring adoptive family that goes to their church;
b) Another family or two who are going through each step of the process with them;
c) An instant prayer/support group of adoptive families once they complete the process;
d) and a congregation of people who have already signed up to help in any way they can.

3) Relationships would be built with various institutions to allow members from the congregation who are not yet ready to make a commitment to adopt, but would like to mentor teens and children in treatment. These families would spend time with kids in Children's Homes, Boys Ranches, and Residential Treatment Centers, providing them with someone to call when they earn phone calls, someone to come and visit when they earn visits, and later possibly someone to spend holidays with. Eventually, if not leading to adoption, might lead to a lifetime connection with caring adults that these kids so desperately need.

What do you think of the plan?

If you are a millionnaire and stumble on my blog, please email me.

If you are not a millioniaire, please provide feedback on the concept.

Or just pray that there will be foundations, organizations, etc. that will be willing to risk such a venture.

Because, as my husband says, "there is nothing more damning to the soul of a child than impermanence" and kids can't wait.

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