Saturday, September 03, 2005

Double the Work Load

I'm blogging now while I am watching my powerpoint for church tomorrow to make sure that it fits the song.

Blogging while my computer is busy -- using the laptop -- is pretty cool! Very enjoyable actually. Having the opportunity to do two things at once.

This is a "typical" Saturday at our house. Can't come out of your room (except to have breakfast) until it is clean. Try to find things to occupy yourself while asking, "are we doing anything today?" while Mom and Dad are swamped visiting the ones not living here and preparing for church.

We try to do things on weekends, but with gas prices the way they are, we aren't going anywhere today. I rented a DVD and some playstation games from the video store -- figured it would be cheaper than going anywhere. They seem content enough.

I'm preparing for a "Matching bash" next week which means lots of hours of following up on which kids are available and which ones are now matched, changing information -- lots of data collection -- and it is very time consuming.

That's my Labor Day weekend. Dominyk is obsessed with the concept of Labor day and he's said to me several times this week, "You CAN take a break. You know, it is LABOR DAY!"


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