Sunday, September 18, 2005

Family Meeting

I swear there are days when the kids get up in the middle of the night and huddle together in some remote part of the house and make a pact.

Here is what the leader has everyone repeat,

"I, ________, solemnly swear, in front of God and all these witnesses that for today I will not listen to my mother. I promise, that even if my life depends on it, I will not obey. I will not, under any circumstances, be directable. I will not, even when forced, be respectful. I commit to a day of swearing, talking back, and fighting with my siblings. This is my solemn vow."

And then they put their hands together, as in a time out of a sports event, and chant "Drive Mom Insane, Drive Mom Insane, Go, Fight Win."

They had a meeting last night . . . and they are getting close to victory!


  1. I think my kids drive to your house in the middle of the night to attend those meetings!

  2. It must have been a universal meeting night, because ours have the same pact!
