Saturday, September 10, 2005

Friday Night Football Attempt Two

Last night was a much more successful night of varsity football. Many things were better.

1) It was a home game;
2) We didn't all go, leaving the kid who caused the most trouble last week home;
3) The kids actually had their own money for snacks;
4) It wasn't cold;
5) There were no bugs;
6) The kids who had passes or money and didn't want to sit with me got to go hang with their friends (this may seem sick, but we have this policy at our house to try to teach attachment and benefits/responsibilities of family. If I pay your way in, you sit with me. If you pay your way in, you can sit with whoever you want. With attachment disordered children, it is difficult to help them see that there are responsibilities as well as privileges to being part of a family. Having the connection of being with those fitting the bill has helped some of them to get it.)

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