Thursday, September 01, 2005

Gone, Gone, Gone, Gone

For any of you who were raised in the throws of 70's borderline legalistic, completely evangelistic Christianity, you might know the tune to this song.

The words, of course, have been changed.

Gone, Gone, Gone, Gone, yes my kids are gone;
Now my soul is free and in my heart's a song;
They are off to school you see,
and that's good enough for me,
I will now breathe clear and free,
Praise God, my kids are gone!

But, just like last year, I am now having technical difficulties. Wait all summer to have silence to get something done, and then have so many computer issues I have to address them first.

And I only have an hour to work before we head to a staffing.

And our son in the RTC is acting as if we are the enemy as he now has an attorney who is trying to convince he needs to get out of his placement. The hearing is in a couple weeks and I'm already dreading it.

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