Thursday, September 01, 2005

I should have thought about it ...

Just got an email from a friend in Houston. With all of the destruction and tragedy in New Orleans, never once did I think about the children in foster care. Apparently 20-30 thousand people are coming to the Astrodome in Houston and the caseworkers in New Orleans are going crazy trying to figure out where all of the foster children are. They are going to need people to offer to basically do foster care without pay.

Tragedy on top of tragedy . . . how many months or years will this natural disaster keep children from being in permanent homes? How many children are now orphaned who do not have viable relatives to raise them who will end up the system?

Another thing to pray about as we pray for the situation...

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, if there is any way we can be of help to any child or group of children in that area we are willing. I don't know what it would take, if it were even possible. I have racked my brain about how we can help, I don't know how we could but we would given direction and a mission. If you know of a specific situation we can help with let me know. M
