Thursday, September 29, 2005

Knock on Wood

I have noticed a change in my youngest, but I didn't want to blog it for fear it would Jinx it.

Since he started his first year of preschool (there were two, as he repeated Early Childhood Special Ed, or FLUNKED it, as my kids would say) all the way up til the end of last year, mornings were a huge battle. He would lie around, totally unfocused even though we woke him up early for his meds, making up silly games, playing with the dog, and refusing to get going. It took almost an hour and more than all of my patience to get him out the door. I had to choose his clothes for him, sometimes nearly dress him, argue with him. There were times I was nearly in tears trying to get him out the door. Couldn't find back pack, couldn't find shoes, and in the winter you can imagine -- boots, gloves, hat, coat, snowpants. AAAAAAAH!

This year he's like a different kid. He needs no direction. He does what he is supposed to do. He can almost always find everything. It's amazing.


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