Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day and the Parsonage Inspection

In about an hour some people from the church are coming to do the annual walk through of the parsonage.

I can't even tell you how much that bothers my husband, who is a private person, a perfectionist and does not like people to see that we "live in filth."

Well, we don't, but being a perfectionist, I suppose one could conclude that in our clutter.

I'm not a housekeeper. Not my gift, not my passion, in fact, I down right hate it. The kids do chores, and I try to keep up with things, but it is by no means a priority.

But yesterday, he was so stressed about it, that at 10 a.m. I turned OFF my computer (nearly killed me) and cleaned for 7 straight hours.

Labor day. Ha!

But he was satisfied and for once I felt like THE TOTAL WOMAN, a book I read back in the 80s or something. I'm so NOT this person that for a day it felt kind of rewarding in a sick way.

Being THE TOTAL WOMAN is my goal in life. (what is the symbol for complete, utter, dripping, unrestrained sarcasm?)

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