Thursday, September 08, 2005

Laugh or Cry

I never know for sure whether to laugh or cry when one of our kids does something that reveals their Reactive Attachment Disorder so candidly that it could be textbook.

For the last three weeks our son in the RTC has been verbally beating us up every visit, hanging up when he doesn't get his way with phone calls, and saying that he does not want to come home. He has warned us that he is going to really get us in court next week because if we loved him we would get him out.

Well, he changed strategy today and my husband got a letter saying basically this.

1) I'm sorry.
2) I hope you'll forgive me.
3) Here are somethings I want you to buy me.
4) I think now I want to come home.
5) You say you don't bring up the past so you should give me what I want.

Without even a break in paragraphs.

Three weeks of hatred and "I never want to come home" and "you're going to be sorry" and in a day back to "BUY ME STUFF."

So, should I laugh or cry?

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