Friday, September 23, 2005

Nighttime Dreams

Just like Cindy I have dreams about getting a job outside of my home. They always involve my former career as a college administrator, and often include a live-in position like I had for several years.

Last night I had another one.

The theme is basically this: I am back at one of the two institutions I used to work for OWU or SDSU. I am applying for a job that sounds awesome -- like one of the jobs I used to have. A lot of people I love, who are no longer there, are back and they are wanting me to join them and have things like they used to be. They offer me a great job, which includes a place to live.

All of the sudden, at this point in my dream, it hits me. I am married! I have ten children! I already have a couple of jobs. I can't take a live-in position! I can't work like I used to in my twenties, going in at 8 and staying until 11 at night. I fall asleep at ten these days. It all comes crashing in like a flood and I have to say, "WAIT! I can't accept this offer! I have children."

I have had this dream at least 40 times and I don't know what is burried in my psychy -- perhaps my desire to feel validated as a professional? Or maybe it's just wanting to relive days that I thought were very hard, but compared to now, were much easier? Or possibly it's just nastalgia.

But it's nice to be a person who looks back on the good old days and recognizes them as good. I had jobs I loved and I felt I was created to do, people surrounding me who I had/have deep connections with, and a deep sense of passion and purpose.


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